Friday, June 24, 2005

Deep and Wide

(by K. Brown)

There’s a river flowin’ through my heart tonight
There’s a river flowin’ deep and wide
Nowhere for me to run from it
Nowhere for me to hide
A river’s flowin’ deep and wide

Gonna jump into the water, swim with all my might
Jumpin’ into that water deep and wide
Gonna take all of my strength
To find the other side
There’s a river flowin deep and wide

I see you standing on the shore
Save me from being all alone
My arms reach out to touch you
And I’m strugglin’ to take hold
The water’s sweepin me up fast
Got to keep you in my sight
Goin to swim this water deep and wide
Goin to get to you tonight

A river’s flowin through my heart tonight
A river’s flowin deep and wide
Goin to calm that river’s fury
You’re all I want tonight
That river’s flowin deep and wide

Nowhere for me to run from it
Nowhere for me to hide
That river’s flowin deep and wide

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