Friday, June 24, 2005

An Old Man's Lament

(by K. Brown)

In the time of my beginning
The sun, it ruled the skies
There for all to wonder at
Companion mountains high
But, that times become so distant
I can’t recall now if I try
The sun extinguished, mountains levelled
Empty in the sky

In the days that I was younger
I drew water from the well
I was forever thirsty
And could not get my fill
But the more I kept on drinking
I could not break the spell
Until I found, that it was me
At the bottom of the well

I’ll wait for you my darlin’
I’ll wait for you my love
In the time of my deliverance
From the waters of the flood
I go to cross that river now
Body spent and terrified
But I’ll wait for you, and my redemption
On the other side

The land, we raped and pillaged her
Her people we did maim
In the name of God and Country
We left her ground blood-stained
We explained our lapse of sanity
By saying it was just and right
But those words seem cold and useless now
As I stare into the night

The time it goes so quickly
Like a flock flushed to the wing
All this time that I’ve been living
Seems like only yesterday was Spring
I did not care to listen
To the prophets on my way
So now it is I say to you
Step lightly on the day

In these days as I grow older
Bent and mystified
I question, then if left to me
Would all be justified
But I never raised my voice to cry out
Louder than a sigh
I cannot tell you what to do
For that you must decide

Note: This song ultimately rewrote itself as "Allies", also posted here on this blog.

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