Friday, June 24, 2005

Love and Care of a Marshall JCM 800 2103 (circa 1981)

The AMP Doctor: Scott Russell 1-248-914-1177 (he does all of Junkyards amps). Note: he lives in Clarkston across from Pine Knob (DTE).


Tubes :Lead models 1959, 1986, 1986 bass, 1987, 1992 lead, 2103, 2104, 2203, 2204, 4010, 4103, 4104 V1 is the first preamp. Recommend a low-noise type with a coiled heater, such as NOS 7025s or ECC83s. JJ ECC83s and Sovtek 12AX7LPSs or EHs are suitable. NOS 5751s recommended if lower gain is desired.V2 is the driver and cathode follower for the tone controls. A low noise tube is not critical, however the heater-cathode insulation must be good quality. NOS JAN ECC83/12AX7s are recommended for this position. We understand that some technicians recommend Ei or JJ ECC83s for this duty.V3 is the phase inverter. A low noise tube is not critical, however the heater-cathode insulation must be good quality. NOS JAN 12AX7s are recommended for this position. We understand that some technicians recommend Ei or JJ ECC83s for this duty.Power tubes are 2 x EL34 or 6550 in 50-watt models, 4 x EL34 or 6550 in 100-watt models. Bias adjustment is MANDATORY.


Amp Specifications :

All specs can be found at:

Modifications recommended to Achieve Maximum Tone :

All specs can be found at:

Trouble Shooting:

Hi, I have this marshall jcm800 that I use not to often, recently I was playing and I noticed that the sound volume and the quality drops for few seconds, after that It is ok for a while and drops again ....I am a real doomie with electronics, please help me out with this ...thanks......GIO -- Gio

Gio- I think that everybody playing a tube amp should have plenty of spare tubes so you might first try replacing all of the tubes to see if that solves the problem. (Mark the old tubes with their position before you take them out.) If that does solve the problem you might try putting the old tubes back in to figure out which one was the culprit. If that DOESN'T solve the problem you'll probably want an amp tech to check it out... it could be a bad solder joint or a bad contact on a jack.
Good luck! -- Steve

A couple Great Trouble shooting sites:

Open Tunings: The Joni Mitchell Method

Take the example of standard tuning - i.e E A D G B E
You start with some standard pitch reference (a guitar tuner, tuning fork etc) to give you the note for the lowest string - E.
Depress the E string at the 5th fret to give you the note for the next string (A).
Then you fret the A string at the 5th fret to tune the next string (D) and so on.
Writing normal tuning this way would be : E 5 5 5 4 5
Which means:
E: Tune your lowest (6th) string to E (using a tuning fork, piano, or other reference)
5: Fret the 6th string at the 5th fret, and tune your 5th string to this note.
5: Fret your 5th string at the 5th fret and tune the 4th string to this note.
5: Fret your 4th string at the 5th fret and tune the 3rd string to this note.
4: Fret your 3rd string at the 4th fret and tune the 2nd string to this note.
5: Fret your 5th string at the 5th fret and tune the 1st string to this note.
[Note: the lowest string is called 6, the highest is called 1.]
Note that you only need one note name and five numbers to specify each tuning.
This system makes comparisons between different tunings easier. For example, the connection between a tuning of C# F# B E G# C# and standard tuning isn't obvious at first glance.Writing the two in the 'Joni' system, the connection becomes clear :
Tuning 1 : C# 5 5 5 4 5
Tuning 2 : E 5 5 5 4 5
In other words, the relative tuning of the strings is the same, it's just the starting note that differs.

I'm Blown Away

(by K. Brown)

When it is
I see your face
Like the Sun
It warms the space

When it is
I say your name
Like the wind
I’m blown away

When it is
The pale light fades
Like the sea
We’ll roll away

Like your face
When pale light fades
Like the sea
That rolls away
Like the Sun
That warms the day
Like the wind
I’m blown away

Like the wind
I’m blown away

Like the wind
I’m blown away

Like the wind

Reason to Live

(by K. Brown)

You make me love you Baby
You got the power
You make me want you Girl
There ain’t no other
You give me reason Baby
You give me reason to live
Because a love so strong
Just gives me reason to live

I called you up Girl
Said come on over
Don’t leave me hangin Baby
There ain’t no other
You give me reason Girl
You give me reason to live
Because a love so strong
Just gives me reason to live

My engines hot Girl
I’m overheatin’
They say you’re not what
I’ve been needin'
But if that were true then there’s
No point believin’
That the sun will rise
And this old world will keep on spinnin’

You make me love you Baby
You got the power
You make me want you Girl
There ain’t no other
You give me reason Baby
You give me reason to live
Because a love so strong
Just gives me reason to live

Grand Lake Time

(by K. Brown)

Want to tell you all about Grand Lake Time
Yeah, Grand Lake Time
Racin’ out to “Three Sisters” feels like flyin’
On Grand Lake Time

Let me tell you ‘bout Grand Lake Time
Yeah Grand Lake Time
The smell of sweet cedar smoke sure is fine
On Grand Lake Time

Up again tomorrow
You can watch that big water roll
Roll along all day
Until the sun is settin’ low
That water’s gonna roll until it’s miles away
Maybe you want to roll away with it someday
Like been done for a thousand years before
And probably gonna roll along for ten thousand more

Tell you ‘bout Grand Lake Time
Yeah, grand Lake Time
Ain’t nobody gonna make you walk the line
On Grand Lake Time

Tell you all about Grand Lake Time
Yeah, Grand lake Time
Playin’ old time music by the fire tonight
On Grand Lake Time

Yellow Dog

(by K. Brown)

Yellow dog
Don’t know no blues
She just hops
And skips
Don’t wear no shoes
Yellow dog
Don’t never cry
Just looks at me
With deep
Dark eyes
Yellow dog
Cant be blue

Yellow dog
How would it be
If you
And I
Sailed out to sea
Yellow dog
We can roam
We are
We’ll call home
Yellow dog
Just you and me

Yellow dog
Ill be blue
The day
I say
Goodbye to you
Yellow dog
When its time
To fly
Youre a damned old dog
To make me cry
Yellow dog
Ill be blue

(Joy Of My Life - reference)

I am blue.

Lucy passed away on Friday night. I was there with her ... found her in the backyard, crumpled in a pile at the foot of a small hill ... assuming she had a massive heart attack.

It was almost 8p. We were heading out to get something to eat ... and I whistled for Lucy, but she didn't come. She is an old dog ... and I know she doesn't hear so well anymore ... either that or she just ignores me a little longer to stay about her business. The right of age.

So I tramped out in the yard to hurry her along.

First front yard, then back ... no Lucy ... until I happened to glance over down the hill ...

She was still alive when I found her ... but, barely. And then, while I held her and got her collar off ... she had another attack. And, that put her out.

Lucy was going on 14. She led a dog's life.

That was Friday night, and as I sit here on Monday morning ... I am as blue as i could be.

Don't know what it is about losing a pet that could cause such sorrow. I don't know that I honestly felt as much sorrow at losing my Dad several years past, now. And, worse yet ... my brother lost his wife just this past year ... only 46 years old. So, it almost feels guilty to me now to yearn so for a dog.

And yet I do.

Maybe it is, then, that as I look back at old photos of her when we got her ... there is my youngest daughter in the picture. Maybe only 2 years old then ... but, 16 now. Lucy was with her for her entire life.

So much water crossed in all those years. So many miles passed.

A curly headed laughing little girl and her Big Yellow Dog ...

And now, a 16 year old girl, who is driving (and chomping at the bit to get her license) ... who is just 2 years away from being out of the house and off to college.
The last of our 3 children ... setting out to light up the world.

My oldest, 24, has already flown the coop ... lives and teaches in New York. Big city, big dreams ... an even bigger life ahead. And, yet ... there she is in the picture with the Big Yellow Dog ... when dreams were so simple as twirling in the yard. Dancing to a tune noone else could hear ...

My middle one, my son ... 23 this year ... and contemplating joining the Marine Corps as I write this. He too, is in those pictures with Lucy ... 2 fresh young faces ... nothing more life threatening than jumping off the end of a dock together into Grand Lake. And now, his mother and I will have a whole new set of worries ... not knowing what kind of danger he might be jumping into. Hoping he has the heart of the Big Yellow Dog to carry him on through rough times and good.

Friday night I buried my face in her fur one last time as I gave her over to the attendants at the vet clinic. To take her away. For good. I just couldn't help but sob.

For my lost dog ... for me ... for a lost and innocent time. The passage of a life, and a season of mine and my family's lives. For the fact there is so much more yet to go ... and, that I don't want this time past to grow dimmer. But, it invariably will.

Lucy was so much more than a mere pet.

As I watched her grow from pup to grand old dame ... and we marked the passage of time together ... almost constant companions ... Lucy was a mirror and a fixture of my own life.

I already miss her. I wonder how long I will continue to miss her? And, pray I will miss her more with each passing season. Because that will be feeling.


I don't want to forget anything about these times.

I don't want my memories of her to fade. For if they do, I am afraid the memory of my own life and precious moments of my family will fade along with it.

These things we hold so dear.

I loved you Lucy. And, will love you still.

Yellow dog? ... I am blue.

Waitin' on the Sun to Shine

(by K. Brown)

Starin' out the windowpane
Starin' at the cold cold rain
You weren't there to take my call
Maybe you weren’t there at all
Hopin’ maybe you’d pick up the phone
I let it ring

Today I did the things
Like when you wore my wedding ring
The things we always did
Keepin those old feelings hid
Hopin’ things ‘round here pick up in time
Just let it ring

I’ve got to get away
Head back to where it feels like home
Got a place up north of here
Maybe go there in the fall
Better memories there
That’s where I’ll be
If you even care at all

But for now, I’m gettin’ by
People say just bidin' time
Just hangin’ out and gettin' high
Waitin' for some kind of sign
Waitin’ for the phone to ring
Waitin’ on the sun to shine

Maybe it'll be alright in time
Waitin' on the sun to shine


To Whom it May Concern

(by K. Brown)

I spent this whole time
Just hoping you’d love me
When all along
You were only playing with my mind
So since nothing is forever
At least where you’re concerned
I’ll just pack up now
And move on down the line

I spent every waking moment
Just loving you
When all along
You only played me for a fool
So if the sun don’t ever rise
To warm another day
It won’t be half as cold
As it’s been loving you

To whom it may concern
I’m not gonna miss you
And in case you were concerned
You’re not on my mind
And to whom it may concern
I wouldn’t talk to you
unless I could scrounge up
My last dime

I spent every last dollar
That I ever had
To buy you all the things
I thought could make you mine
But it wouldn’t make you stay
So I threw it all away
Now there’s no place left for me to go
And we're just out of time

To whom it may concern
I’m not gonna miss you
And in case you were concerned
You’re not the one I’m dreamin’ of
And to whom it may concern
Don’t try to reach me
When I’m over yonder
On the other side

Goin' Down

(by K. Brown)

You see angels that dance
In your half full glass of Gin
Do they lift you up
Do they know the shape your in
Like flies buzzin' around you
And you think that they're your friends

I'm goin' down easy Boys
I'm goin' down again

Once you were a rock
In the middle of the road
Noone goin’ over you
Not any living soul
Noone who’s ever tried pushin’ you
Can understand now why you roll

I'm goin' down easy Boys
I'm goin' down that hole

Clouds are draggin’
Through a lazy blue sky
Comin’ to cover you
Up there where you hide
Or maybe just bring you more rain
after crossin' all those miles

I'm goin' down easy Boys
I'm goin' down in style

You think you’re as seasoned
As this old Gibson wood
But you’re bendin’ like a willow
Where a mighty oak once stood
What's it gonna finally take
to make you stand upright and be strong

I'm goin' down easy Boys
It won't take very long

You think your standing
On solid ground
But you’re up to your neck
And sinkin’ all around
Anyone who really knows you
Has already split town

I'm goin' down easy Boys
I'm goin' down

Man, you better give a listen
To those angels you see there
In the end
May be all that’s left to you
When what it is you knew
Just drifts into thin air

I'm goin' down easy Boys
I'm goin' way down there

(note:I added to and changed these lyrics once I finally found the songs groove in Sept 2008- that's what you hear on the YouTube)

Love on the Run

(by K. Brown)

El sonido de la risa, y las guitarras.
Deriva en las calles
Escucho los latidos de tu corazon

Todo sentimiento de miedo o peligro se desvanece.
Hacia la noche
No hay nadie que venga por nosotros esta noche.

The sound of laughter, and guitars
Drifts out on the streets
I listen to the beating of your heart

All sense of fear or danger fades away
Into the night
There is noone who comes for us tonight

Chorus 1
Oh Corrina
My lovely one
How is it we are bandits on the run
We are only lovers
In each others arms
Our only crime is love

Chorus 2
We are only lovers
In each others arms
No consequence to anyone

I watch you as you sleep now
Your face no trace of guile
An innocence that no mask can disguise

Softly touch your olive skin
A gentle kiss upon your lips A gentle kiss but not goodbye
This cannot be our longing last goodbye If this must be, then let the bullet fly

Oh Corrina …

The dawn creeps in the window
I watch you as you rise
And rub the sleep out of your eyes

Who knows what the day brings
By night again we hide
But for now I have you by my side

Oh Corrina ….

Morning will come soon now
We saddle up at light
The sun to warm our faces as we ride

Quickly now Corrina
The Federales come
Once again we must hurry and take flight

(in Open G  ... S. Stills Spanish Suite for reference)

An Old Man's Lament

(by K. Brown)

In the time of my beginning
The sun, it ruled the skies
There for all to wonder at
Companion mountains high
But, that times become so distant
I can’t recall now if I try
The sun extinguished, mountains levelled
Empty in the sky

In the days that I was younger
I drew water from the well
I was forever thirsty
And could not get my fill
But the more I kept on drinking
I could not break the spell
Until I found, that it was me
At the bottom of the well

I’ll wait for you my darlin’
I’ll wait for you my love
In the time of my deliverance
From the waters of the flood
I go to cross that river now
Body spent and terrified
But I’ll wait for you, and my redemption
On the other side

The land, we raped and pillaged her
Her people we did maim
In the name of God and Country
We left her ground blood-stained
We explained our lapse of sanity
By saying it was just and right
But those words seem cold and useless now
As I stare into the night

The time it goes so quickly
Like a flock flushed to the wing
All this time that I’ve been living
Seems like only yesterday was Spring
I did not care to listen
To the prophets on my way
So now it is I say to you
Step lightly on the day

In these days as I grow older
Bent and mystified
I question, then if left to me
Would all be justified
But I never raised my voice to cry out
Louder than a sigh
I cannot tell you what to do
For that you must decide

Note: This song ultimately rewrote itself as "Allies", also posted here on this blog.

Barstool Blues #1

(by K. Brown)

I’m sittin’ here waitin’ for my ship to come in
But it’s hesitatin’, and my heads in a spin
Maybe I should just go on home

When I walked in this evening I was feelin’ O.K.
But the longer I sit here, I’m just wastin’ away
Maybe it’s time to go home

You know my wife and my kids
They’re all countin’ on me
To fulfill my obligation to their American Dream
But the dream they’re all dreamin
Somehow ain’t comin’ true
Just not sure anymore if it was my dream too

No shine on my shoes
Kickin’ dust up the street
I’m like yesterday’s news
Can’t find the beat
Seems like no sense in just sittin’ here
Singing these blues
So I’m going home

They say lifes in the living, and I suppose that it’s right
But the thing they don’t know is how I wound up here tonight
Maybe I should just go on home

I’m not sure when I detoured, should of zigged when I zagged
Nothing really gets clearer unless you’re  half in the bag
I know it’s time to go home

When I wake up tomorrow
And she asks me where have you been
she'd say you go to hell
I'd say, I already been
And you know I'd be right
Could be that’s why I came in here tonight

No shine on my shoes
Kickin’ dust up the street
I’m like yesterday’s news
Can’t find the beat
Seems like no sense in just sittin’ here
Singing these blues
So I’m going home

Note: Standard tuning D

Deep and Wide

(by K. Brown)

There’s a river flowin’ through my heart tonight
There’s a river flowin’ deep and wide
Nowhere for me to run from it
Nowhere for me to hide
A river’s flowin’ deep and wide

Gonna jump into the water, swim with all my might
Jumpin’ into that water deep and wide
Gonna take all of my strength
To find the other side
There’s a river flowin deep and wide

I see you standing on the shore
Save me from being all alone
My arms reach out to touch you
And I’m strugglin’ to take hold
The water’s sweepin me up fast
Got to keep you in my sight
Goin to swim this water deep and wide
Goin to get to you tonight

A river’s flowin through my heart tonight
A river’s flowin deep and wide
Goin to calm that river’s fury
You’re all I want tonight
That river’s flowin deep and wide

Nowhere for me to run from it
Nowhere for me to hide
That river’s flowin deep and wide

Dance a Ceili (Kaylee's Song)

(by K. Brown)
She's a twister blowin' down the hall
Did I just hear a screen door slam
Who moved my favorite rockin’ chair
Surely not the summer wind

She breezes ‘round the house all day
Who cares ‘bout worring anyway
No fear at all when nighttime falls
Better leave a light on in the hall

Hey there little girl
Don't trip on that moonbeam
Be careful little girl
You go slidin’ down that rainbow
Hey now little girl
Your momma’s callin’ after you
Hey now little girl
Don’t ride the wind and leave to soon

And dance a Ceili ‘round the room

Where does time go once you're gettin' old
Feel like that screen door rockin’ off it’s hinge
That summer breeze been rattlin’ ‘round the hallway
wait'in on when you'll be round again

When you think you'll be around again?


Like a twister blowin' down the hall
Did I just hear a screen door slam
Who moved my favorite rockin’ chair
Surely not the summer wind

She breezes ‘round the house all day
Who cares ‘bout worrin’ anyway
No fear at all when nighttime falls
But leave a light on in the hall

Where you been little girl
Trippin' on a moonbeam
Where you been little girl
slidin’ down a rainbow
Where you been little girl
Your momma’s callin’ after you
Be careful little girl
Don’t ride the wind and leave to soon

And dance a Ceili ‘round the room
Dance a Ceili 'round the room
Yeah, dance a Ceili 'round the room

For those that don't know ... a Ceili is just a Scottish party dance. (So is my Kaylee).

Hummingbird Flyer

(by K. Brown)

Tires on the whiteline
listen to 'em sing
Elvis on the radio
before he was The King
singin' That's Alright Mama
and man I’m goin’ higher
Wheels got to rollin’
It’s the Hummingbird Flyer

Roll on bird
man I'm goin' higher
Commited true believers
on that flyer

That bird rocks back and forth
Her music in the air
Got the sweetest sound this side of Graceland
Joyful everywhere
Tomorrow it won’t matter
If you’re broke and on the street
wheels got to roll on
To that Hummingbird’s beat

Roll on bird
man I'm goin' higher
Commited true believers
on that Hummingbird flyer

Take that long, lonesome ride
Until you find your glory
In the church of Mother Country Music
You will write your story
With a pocket full of songs
Boy believe in your own dream
Tonight you’re flyin’ high
gone ridin' with the King

The bird she keeps on flyin
She sings a song of truth
Of the many who have passed this way
Her music’s living proof
Tomorrow it won’t matter
If you ended up long gone
Those wheels just keep on rollin’
To that Hummingbird’s song

Roll on bird
man I'm goin' higher
Commited true believer
on that Hummingbird flyer


Feel those wheels a rollin’
The Hummingbird flyer

Catch the last train to Memphis
On the Hummingbird flyer

Note: This isn't necessarily the first song I ever wrote ... but it is pretty close to that. There may have been one or two others long gone now ... I'd say this song was inspired by my acquiring the guitar of the same name. (Everybody writes an ode to their guitar ... don't they?)  Although recorded here on a completely different guitar ... go figure ...