Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Reach Out For The Other Side

(by K. Brown)

I made a fool of myself
singing right out loud
tried to draw a crowd
but, what for, what's it good for

Thought they might be on my side
tried to make an honest sound
then looked around
and they were gone, all gone

Reachin' out from the other side
Where you been
what you been doin'

Long ago I might of tried to hide
but now I'm goin' ...

I can't seem to find myself
voice is too loud
while I fool the crowd
but, what for, what's it good for

Tryin' to reach out for the other side
and make an honest sound
maybe look around
for you, and the love you showed

Reachin' out from the other side
Where you been
what you been doin'

Long ago I might of tried to hide
but now I'm goin' ...

(open G for reference)

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