Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Old Rockin' Chair

(by K. Brown)

That old rockin chair
sittin over in the corner, there
its got some tales that it could tell
its worn its finish
pretty well

no question its got time on me
before my baby eyes could see
and then long after I am gone
be rockin there
a long time on

It seems we run our lives so fast
its hard to make the memories last
getting there from place to place
and times we wish we could erase

But not that rockin chair
sittin in the corner there
its got some tales that it could tell
its worn its finish
pretty well

Just turned around and then got old
before I even got my story told
that chair there got it all on loan
each creaking joint
each quiet moan

One of these days I'll be gone
But I hope that chair rocks on and on
These old joints of mine now creak and groan
and that long ago
seems so far gone

But not that favorite rockin chair
sittin in the corner there
its got some tales that it could tell
its worn its finish
pretty well.

("Reward" Neal Casal for reference)

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