Sunday, April 12, 2009

Kite Flyer

(by Kevin Brown)

I see the sun up over yonder
Wakin' up another day
Tellin' me I'm gettin' older
But it's ok

A breeze has got to blowin'
My kites up there in the air
Driftin' round up in the current
Like it don't care

How you gonna find your fortune
When your lost up in the air
Dreams tied to a kite tail
a stray thats tethered way up there

I see the sun up over yonder
Wakin' up another day
Tellin' me not to worry
Cause Im ok

A breeze has got to blowin'
Bendin' boughs up in the trees
Rushin' through the open windows
does as it please

A breeze has got to blowin'
It won't wait around too long
Dreams tied to a kite tail
soon they're up and gone

How you gonna find your fortune
When your lost up in the air
Dreams tied to a kite tail
a stray thats tethered way up there

A dream tied to a kite tail
soon it's up and gone

(all my shit's up in the air ...)